Looking Forward to 2014

The end of the year always brings exciting and important announcements, and that’s no different for us at Promo Marketing. Our group president Dave Leskusky has accepted the job of president of our parent company, North American Publishing Company. Nichole Stella, who has run Promo Marketing and its sister magazine Print+Promo for almost a decade, will be continuing her leadership as our new group president. And since they couldn’t leave the top of the masthead blank, they decided against all better judgment to give me the title of editor-in-chief.

Starting in January, I’ll be in charge of the editorial direction of Promo Marketing’s magazine, website, newsletter and more. I want to say thank you to everyone who sent me congratulations and warm wishes this week. It’s hard to believe it’s been more than 7 years since I joined the PM team, and harder still to count the number of friends and colleagues I’ve made in that time. If I didn’t reply to you directly, I apologize, I’ve been busy learning the ropes* of my new role.

We have some new and exciting things happening in 2014, and I can’t wait to tell you about them all. For now, we’re focused on continuing to produce the best magazines and newsletters in the industry. I’ll see you all in the pages of Promo Marketing, and at PPAI Expo, in January.

*Drinking champagne.

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