The Best Client is the One That Just Bought From You

They don’t call it a sales CYCLE for nothing. It is a cycle because it continuously completes itself when the actions of each step are done correctly. The final stage and simultaneously first stage of our sales cycle is the follow-up. In this stage of the sales cycle we are touching base with the client to confirm that they received their product, the product was up to their standards, and to gain any feedback on their overall experience. Through this conversation we build rapport with the client. We show a genuine interest in their events and experience. We even plant the seeds for the next sell.

In the world of retail there is a known fact that it is much cheaper to keep a customer than it is to continuously find and convince new ones. It takes time and energy to build relationships with new clients. It takes emails, phone calls, follow up calls, and countless meetings to prove to a potential client that you are the right fit.

A client that has just bought from you is a much easier sell. They know the process, they know what to expect, and they trust your expertise. While many salespeople spend a lot of time pounding the pavement looking for new clients, I constantly remind my sales team that the follow up is not the last piece of the sales cycle, but the first.

It is here where we source new opportunities to work together. It is here where we receive valuable referrals, it is here in the follow up that we solidify our professional relationship.

The simplest way to fill your sales cycle is by asking these five simple questions in your follow through:

  1. Did you receive the product?
  2. Was the look and feel up to your expectation?
  3. How was your overall experience working with us?
  4. How can we help you continue the momentum your brand made with this event/campaign?
  5. Who else might benefit from a meeting with us?

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