Jaime Sims Earns the CPLP Credential from the ASTD Certification Institute

SnugZ USA of Salt Lake City announced that Jaime Sims has earned the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP) credential from the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) Certification Institute. Earning the CPLP credential, Sims possesses the knowledge and skills to be a top performer in the workplace learning and performance field.

Becoming a CPLP enhances a professional’s reputation by recognizing that they have an overall understanding of the nine areas of expertise for workplace learning and performance as defined by the ASTD Competency Model, and can apply this knowledge in the workplace. In general, credentials benefit individuals by providing a roadmap for professional development, enhancing earning potential and broadening career opportunities.

To earn the CPLP certification acquired industry‐related experience, successfully passed a knowledge‐based examination, and submitted a work product that met performance standards. “The CPLP certification process is rigorous and it produces candidates with a breadth of knowledge that brings significant benefit to their employers, colleagues and clients,” said Jennifer Naughton, ASTD’s director of credentialing. “Employing CPLP credential holders brings respect to an organization’s training function and ensures successful learning programs.”

“As the association dedicated to the workplace learning and performance profession, ASTD is at the forefront providing information on the critical skills and abilities that practitioners must have to succeed in the field,” said Tony Bingham, president of the ASTD Certification Institute. “The CPLP credential was built to provide workplace learning professionals a tool with which to increase their knowledge, competence and confidence while proving their value to employers.”

For more information, visit www.snugzusa.com.

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