Power Meeting 2014 Recap–It’s All in the Numbers

The Promo Marketing team wrapped up its most successful year of Power Meetings to date in Charlotte, N.C. last week. This year’s meetings spanned across both coasts and four major cities, including Scottsdale, Ariz., Miami, Fla. and Newport Beach, Calif.

Attendees consisted of 89 supplier companies, 130 distributors companies, and 192 individual distributors (182 of which were first-time attendees). Of the 2014 attendees, 100 percent polled said they’d go to another Power Meeting and that they had formed new business relationships from the event.

The concept of bringing together the industry’s top-selling distributors and leading promotional products suppliers in exclusive, one-on-one 20-minute meetings proves to be a very successful and productive format. Pair that with the quality attendees, locations and value Power Meetings offer and it makes it difficult for any other industry event to top them.

“Regardless of your book of business, the most effective way to get to the next level is to attend a Power Meeting,” Brad Gooch of Ideal Incentive Inc., Oswego, Ill., said. “Without question, no trade show, product presentation or onsite meeting compares to what is accomplished in the three days of these meetings.”

“Power Meetings are the best way to build and strengthen relationships between suppliers and distributors,” Katharina Pieper of BamBams, Woodbridge, Va., added. “The venues are always excellent and the Promo Marketing staff provides assistance on every step of the way. Trade shows are great but Power Meetings are about quality and getting to know your customer/vendor much better by spending three days with them. It goes beyond business, and people make connections and stay in contact.”

To add to the year’s success, “Power Meetings” also have taken over the print and promotional products industries with Distributor Connect. Hosted by Promo Marketing’s sister publication, Print+Promo, this event offers this same format but in a more intimate setting of 25 supplier companies and 30 distributors. Promo Marketing subscribers with a print focus are encouraged to also check out this event. Please visit connect.goprintandpromo.com for more information.

On the heels of Power Meetings’ 2014 success, Promo Marketing has set up another rigorous schedule for 2015, with two news cities to the list. The 2015 dates are:

  • Scottsdale, Ariz.: March 16-19, 2015
  • Austin, Texas: May 11-14, 2015
  • Los Angeles, Calif.: Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2015
  • Washington, D.C.: Oct. 5-8, 2015

If you are interested in attending a 2015 Power Meeting, please contact the Power Meeting staff at [email protected]. For event info and testimonials, please visit www.pmpowermeetings.com.

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