Ash City USA Announces Support of American Breast Cancer Foundation

Ash City USA, Lenexa, Kansas, announced it became a supporter in the fight against breast cancer. With the recent launch of the company’s “We’re Thinking Pink” campaign, Ash City USA is raising funds in support of the American Breast Cancer Foundation’s (ABCF) mission of providing financial resources for under-insured women and men in need of diagnostic services for breast cancer.

The ABCF is a nonprofit organization providing individuals, their families and their loved ones in financial need with direct financial assistance, education, support and access to early detection screenings. ABCF supports research for innovative diagnostic, treatment and patient support methods through leading medical institutions. Ash City USA has opened up its entire product collection in support of this campaign. The company will make a donation with the purchase of any apparel or accessory item embroidered with a pink ribbon. Distributors can purchase any pink product, identified in the Ash City USA catalog with a pink ribbon, and a donation will be made as well (no embroidery required).

“It is an honor to have Ash City become a corporate supporter of ABCF,” said Phyllis Wolf, president of the American Breast Cancer Foundation. “Ash City’s line of apparel is a win-win for organizations looking to become involved in the fight against breast cancer.”

Sareg McCulloch, director of marketing and communications for Ash City USA said, “We know that times are very tough and any financial support Ash City and its distributors can provide will go a long way in the search for a cure. We are very proud to support breast cancer research, education and awareness programs through our partnership with ABCF.”

For more information on Ash City USA, visit

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