BIC APP’s ongoing commitment to sustainable manufacturing was further demonstrated on November 3, 2010 when Clearwater, Florida-based Norwood & BIC Graphic facilities in Tampa celebrated the companies’ own Green Day.
In addition to sharing the facilities’ initiatives to lessen their impact on the environment, employees received a preview of eco-friendly products in the 2011 Norwood and BIC Graphic catalogs and were able to take part in several educational and service-oriented activities:
For example:
Employees were encouraged to drop off old cell phones and chargers for use by the Area Agency on Aging (seniors are issued cell phones that can be used to call 911 in case of emergency)
The Lions Club collected old eyeglasses for donations to the underprivileged in the area
The Salvation Army had a truck on site to collect monetary donations, clothing and housewares for social services, disaster services and various ministries
A hazardous materials truck was on site to collect household electronics and chemicals for proper disposal
Employees were also educated on what they could do at home to be more environmentally conscious, such as water and waste management and recycling tips. A representative of Florida’s Progress Energy was even on site demonstrating an electric car and discussing energy efficiency at home.
In 2011, all North American sites will be taking part in Green Day simultaneously in April to continue educating employees and assisting local sustainability-focused organizations.
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