Editor’s Picks: Be True to Your School

There were a few unwritten rules at the day camp I attended as a child: Rain was to be called “liquid sunshine,” Quench gum was currency, and Fridays were Beach Boys days. The end of every week held eight hours of non-stop Beach Boys tunes over the loudspeakers. Thus, at a young age, I learned every word of the entire Beach Boys collection and would belt out “Help Me, Rhonda” whenever it pleased me, much to the disdain of anyone within earshot. (Sidenote: Liquid sunshine actually sounds really scary.)

Today, as I was sitting at my desk sing-screaming “Be True to Your School” to my coworkers, I realized how promotionally appropriate the song is. The promotional products listed in the song go as follows: letterman’s jacket, car decals, pom-poms. That does not even include the implied ones: football uniforms, school flags and other school apparel, accessories and face tattoos to “let your colors fly.”

So celebrate the start of a new school year by cranking up “California Girls” and serenading your clients, or just selling to them. Your choice.

Rock Your Socks
Sports have become an integral part of education. Sell the Youth Soccer Socks from TSC Apparel to get kids kicking on the field so you can kick back at home.

Give a Racket about this Jacket
From tennis whites to plaid kilts, this Youth Academy Jacket from Charles River Apparel works with any school uniform.

Vital Signs are Good
Even with the surge of technology, textbooks are still the norm at most schools. Keep kids from having to learn to juggle 10 lbs. books and inevitably injure themselves with Banaka Inc.’s Vital Child’s Backpack.

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