Broder Bros. Produces Comprehensive Promotional Apparel Buyer’s Guide

Broder Bros. Co., Trevose, Pa., launched the Promotional Apparel Buyer’s Guide, an end-user friendly version of their very successful Selling What Sells sales tool. The Buyer’s Guide follows the same “good, better, best” approach to product as Selling What Sells, and it offers end-users purchasing advice in the forms of apparel education and buying, marketing and fit tips.

This 56-page comprehensive catalog lists three top-selling products from 26 of the most popular imprintable apparel categories. It highlights each product’s top three features, other garment details and available companion styles. The guide also provides product category overviews and lists industries where the specific styles have been successful.

“Customer reaction to the Selling What Sells series has been tremendously positive and much of the feedback we received was to modify Selling What Sells into an end-user tool,” explained Steve Valeri, vice president of marketing for Broder Bros. Co. “The Buyer’s Guide simplifies the sometimes overwhelming process of understanding the different types of apparel and deciding which styles to purchase. We believe our customers will realize a big benefit in distributing the Buyer’s Guide to their clients. It will streamline the sales process by answering many of the time consuming questions end-users have when they don’t quite know what they are looking for.”

Alpha, Broder and NES customers can order free copies of the Buyer’s Guide catalogs at their respective websites. Customers also have the option to have Buyer’s Guide catalogs customized with their logos for no charge. View the Buyer’s Guide eCatalog at

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