This Company Promises Its Athletic Apparel Can Be Worn For a Month Without Washing

The thought of taking a hot yoga class and not immediately throwing your yoga pants in the washing machine seems gross, but Ably Apparel promises its athletic apparel can go a full month before being washed.

The company sells jackets, hoodies, tees and sweatpants in a super special fabric, according to Bustle. The fabric, called Filium, is a breathable fabric that activates natural fabrics and outperforms synthetic materials. The fabric is able to repel odors, stains and liquids, including dark-colored liquids. As for sweat, the company claims it’s not absorbed, and instead evaporates, so that the clothes can repel smell.

Credit: Ably Apparel

Ably’s fabric is also eco-friendly, and does not use non-particles or harmful chemicals in the manufacturing process.

We’re unsure if we can see this technology catching on at a mass market level. We think it would be difficult to sell consumers on not washing garments for a whole month after particularly sweaty SoulCycle classes, but perhaps the eco-friendly angle will be enough to look past that hygienic hurdle.

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