My Best Promotion: Corrie Sahli

Football is a great way for college alumni to get excited about their alma mater. Corrie Sahli, business development manager for Schaumburg, Illinois-based Club Colors, described a promotion that allowed Baylor University alumni to show their Baylor Bear pride, not only by donating to a scholarship fund, but by sporting athletic gloves like the players on the field.

Promo Marketing: Could you describe a promotion that you felt was one of your best?

Corrie Sahli: The Baylor Alumni Association (BAA) saw donations to its Legacy Scholarship Program dwindle over the years, and was seeking a way to generate excitement and interest in the program. Since the Baylor football program is an enormous draw for the university and its alumni, we designed and produced an exclusive product—Battlehands. These are fan spirit gloves inspired by the gloves football players wear in the NFL and NCAA that interlock to create the logo. In the case of Baylor, we created a design that has the bear mascot forming across the palms when you put your gloved hands together. Simultaneously, we created a website with an animation of the gloves coming together, highlighting ways that the scholarship fund has helped new generations attend the university. We also made sure information on the gloves and donor program was posted across the BAA social media accounts. To anyone who donates $100 or more to the Legacy Scholarship Program, BAA gives away the Baylor Battlehands spirit gloves. The alumni member can also buy additional pairs of gloves with the proceeds going directly to the scholarship fund. After we launched the program, donations to the fund increased 70 percent in the first three weeks, and demand became so large that the university bookstore asked to sell the gloves in its store.

PM: What made this promotion so successful?

CS: The success of the promotion was a result of being able to create a completely unique item—something that was not in the marketplace for the university in any form, yet widely known in football, generally—and make it special to the BAA. We also timed it to take advantage of the excitement of the new football season, ensuring that the gloves arrive on the doorstep of the donors in the week before the first game.

PM: Any advice for those attempting similar promotions?

CS: When creating a promotional program that feels fresh and gets people excited, look beyond simple imprints on standard items. We have the most creative people in the world working in our industry, and access to manufacturing resources that is unparalleled. Use that creativity and factory access to develop a product that is truly unique and will be kept for years.

Want to be considered for a future edition of My Best Promotion? Contact assistant editor Brendan Menapace at (215) 238-5421 or [email protected] for a list of questions and other details.

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