PGA Show Proves Tech and Golf Are the Ultimate Combination

Everything is a tech item these days, it seems. It’s getting to a point where “technology” actually might not exist as a standalone category, as just about everything we use has some sort of tech integration. Golf is no different.

No matter how much golf wants to pride itself on its dignified, simple design of swinging a metal (or wooden, but c’mon) club and hitting a ball across a field, there’s one thing that will keep golf from Luddite status: Golf is really, really difficult. And the whole point of technological innovation is to make things less difficult.

So, it makes sense that we have a constantly evolving collection of tech-enabled golf equipment. And, while we couldn’t make it to the PGA Show in person, outlets like Golf Digest did the heavy lifting for us and pointed out some of the most exciting tech-infused golf products from the industry.

1. Robot caddies

OK, that title isn’t entirely accurate. But Golf Digest wrote about golf bag carts that use a sensor on the golfer’s belt buckle to follow along. Does it count as “walking” the course? Probably not. But, if you’re too traditional for golf carts but lazy enough to want to reap the benefits, this is for you.

2. Glasses that analyze your swing

No matter how much you think you’re keeping that left arm straight and turning at the waist, you can’t analyze your own swing while you do it. (That would mean taking your eye off the ball.) While things like Google Glass didn’t catch on with the hip millennials, these LiveViewGolf glasses allow you to take a detailed look at your golf swing. What’s even better is that you can’t get frustrated and worry about yelling at it, like you would with your friend trying his best to teach you golf.

3. Fix your contact

If your contact with the ball is even a fraction off, your entire shot is a wash. You’ll end up in trees, water or, depending on your course, the highway. Cool little items like this SQRDUP contact trainer use minimal technology to teach one of the most vital parts of the game.

There are plenty more things like this, as people will always be endlessly frustrated by golf. Since golf is a series of putting out fires that pop up when one is out, even experienced golfers have points of their game to tweak. As technology develops, too, expect more ways for tech-infused golf products to pop up in the promotional products industry. In the meantime, consider pitching more tech items for golf promotions. There’s clearly an appetite for these kinds of products among golfers.

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