PPAI Presents New Board Directors And Officers for 2012

Promotional Products Association International (PPAI), Irving, Texas, the not-for-profit association for more than 9,000 member companies of the $16.5 billion promotional products industry, announced its new board officers and directors late Tuesday. The new board officers and directors will begin their terms immediately following The PPAI Expo 2012.

New Board Directors
Voting member distributor and supplier companies cast votes for two distributors and two suppliers from a field of eight candidates for election to the PPAI Board of Directors, class of 2016.

The newly elected board directors are:

The board of directors is the governing body for PPAI and plays a major role in directing its strategic activities, adopting policies and approving budgets to carry out the work of the association.

“This board brings together a talented group of dedicated professionals with diverse insights into finance, sales, management and association expertise,” said Paul Bellantone, CAE, PPAI president and CEO. “With their combined experiences and extensive industry network, this team of volunteer leaders provides PPAI with the essential tools we need to realize our vision and advance the interests of the promotional products industry.”

PPAI sends ballots to all company members who voted for two distributors and two suppliers. Board members are elected to four-year terms with the term of office beginning immediately following The PPAI Expo in January 2012.

New Board Officers
In July, PPAI announced its new officers for 2012. The officers are selected by the PPAI nominating committee and voted on by the board.

They are elected to the board of directors for a one-year term expiring in 2013. Scott Siegel, MAS, president of Chicago, Illinois-based R.S. Owens & Co. and immediate past chair of the board, lead the nominating committee that presented the board of directors with the 2012 officer candidates.

The board of director officers for 2012 are:

  • Chairman: Steven Meyer, MAS, vice president of sales for Molenaar LLC, Willmar, Minn.
  • Chair-elect: Marc Simon, CEO of HALO Branded Solutions, Chicago
  • Vice Chair of Program Services: Joseph Scott, MAS, vice president of Scott & Associates Inc., Chanhassen, Minn.
  • Vice Chair of Financial Services: Rod Brown, CAS, CFO for MadeToOrder, Pleasanton, Calif.
  • Vice Chair of Marketing Services: Charles Duggan, MAS, director of business development for Greystone International Products Corp., St. Louis
  • Vice Chair of Membership Services: Bruce Felber, MAS, director for marketing and sales support for The Image Group, Holland, Ohio
  • Immediate Past Chairman: Eric Ekstrand, MAS, senior vice president at The Mort C. McClennan Co., Chagrin Falls, Ohio

For more information, visit PPAI’s website.

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