Apparently, it’s just on-trend to release state T-shirts riddled with mistakes. At least for J. Crew, the accident worked out in its favor. However, the same can’t be said for Target’s new Boston tee.
According to The Boston Globe, Target sold a T-shirt featuring a map of Boston’s neighborhoods. A great idea and all, but the retail giant seemed to skip the editing phase, and the T-shirt contained a slew of errors.

For example, Southie was labeled “Southy,” Jamaica Plain was misspelled as “Jamaca Plain,” several neighborhoods were missing, and Target seemingly invented its own neighborhood called “Central.”
A Target representative apologized for the mixup.
“Certainly, localization is something Target is committed to, and we love to be able to carry products that are reflective of the local community, which is why you would see Boston T-shirts in our Boston stores,” said Target spokeswoman Jessica Carlson in a telephone interview, according to The Boston Globe. “We apologize for any disappointment that this may have caused.”
Target pulled the T-shirts from store shelves, but consumers still are less than pleased. It turns out Target has a long history of upsetting Bostonions. Last year, a T-shirt company published a letter in The Boston Herald chastising Target for using a New York artist to design Boston-themed shirts. No word yet on who’s responsible for the current T-shirt debacle.