Here’s what’s happening this week in the apparel world …

While the Chicago Cubs lost game 1 of the World Series last night, the fan apparel is still a winner. According to Forbes, the Cubs are likely to break themed merchandise records with their licensed hats, jerseys, W flags and more. Since the Cubs represent the nation’s third-largest city, and it’s the first time the team has played in a series since 1945, it can be assumed fans are going to take advantage.

After Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman” in the final presidential debate, the apparel world responded with “Nasty Woman” T-shirts and more. Now, online retailer Nasty Gal has released a tote bag and tee featuring a picture of Clinton with a “Nasty Woman” pin, according to Paste Magazine.

It seems Forever 21 is in trouble again for ripping off someone else’s design, according to Yahoo Style. The shirt in question is Forever 21’s “I Feel Like Pizza” tee, which supposedly took the design from Instagram account Hot Girls Eating Pizza. However, it’s a little more complicated than that, since “I Feel Like Pizza” is a play of Kanye West’s “I Feel Like Pablo.” Can you say, “I feel confused”?

Fans looking to channel their inner Posh Spice will be glad to hear that Victoria Beckham is teaming up with Target for a new clothing line, according to ABC News. Most items will be less than $40, and the collection will feature more than 200 items.