Results in for March Badness Tournament for College Promotional Products, a website promoting research from Ecology Center, which released a study revealing that 71 percent of university-themed products sold at top retailers contained at least one toxic chemical, such as arsenic, bromine, cadmium, chlorine, lead and mercury, wrapped up its March Badness tournament to determine the most toxic college product. It unveiled the winner last week.

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The Trendy & T-shirted

It felt like spring would never get here, but it’s finally time to put those sweaters and heavy jackets away and pull out the tanks and sandals. In the promo industry, we plan months in advance, so selling your clients apparel that is not in-season is common, but you have to make sure you keep them in style too. You may feel more comfortable suggesting basic T-shirts and tanks since they are wardrobe staples, but why not toss some trendy alternatives at your clients to give them some hip exposure?

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Preferential Treatment

The American-made comeback has strengthened with criticisms of foreign-made products making headlines. U.S. manufacturing offers many benefits, such as job creation, safer working conditions and stricter environmental regulations.

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Tax Reform Proposal Would Slash Advertising Deductions

U.S. Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.), the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Ways and Means, released the Tax Reform Act of 2014, the latest draft aimed to update and simplify America’s tax code, Wednesday. While he recommended lowering tax rates for many individuals and businesses, he also advised cutting the deduction for advertising expenses in half with the other portion amortized over 10 years.

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