Michele Bell

Michele Bell
PRINTING United Expo 2024: Panelists Detail How To Be Successful in Both Print & Promo

At last week’s PRINTING United Expo in Las Vegas, which clocked in at nearly 1 million square feet and attracted approximately 30,000 global attendees, Brendan Menapace moderated a panel discussion of four print industry veterans who have mastered the intricacies of selling promo and espoused the lucrative allure of the branded merch sales channel.

Counselor Person of the Year 2024: CJ Schmidt, Hit Promotional Products

Had fate not put its thumb on the scale, CJ Schmidt would’ve been a Jerry Maguire-esque sports agent, and reveled in every second of it. “I’ve always loved sports – I’ve played on teams since I was a kid, and through college was considering going into a career in sports management and being an agent,”…