Want to Do B2B Marketing Better? Try Getting Personal

In this environment, it’s hard enough to fight for elbow room, let alone to come up for air every once in a while. To do so is a crucial element to marketing successfully, as it allows one to survey not only the competition, but one’s own methods as well…

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The Publisher That Sells Nearly $1 Billion in Stickers Every World Cup

The company is well-known for producing collectible stickers, and their quadrennial World Cup series is by far their most popular, and lucrative, product. Panini prints a free, 80-page booklet for the stickers, which cost around $1 for a packet of five. Since the name of the game is to collect them all, most collectors will pay more than $300 in order to do so…

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Survey Finds 92% of Marketers Ineffective at Marketing Automation

Since almost every business operating in this day and age has an online presence, they are required to automate promotions in order to ensure that personalized products reach individuals with matching customer profiles. This allows them to send the correct offer to the proper end-user at the proper time, resulting in their reaching a maximum sales potential…

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