Building New Business

As I look at Center City Philadelphia from my office window, it is clear something big is happening: Cranes are at work, hoisting materials to new high-rise buildings. From high-value commercial properties, mixed-use developments and hospitals to multi-family housing and luxury condominiums, there is more building and revitalizing going on in this city than in…

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Software Sunset: Why You Should Update QuickBooks Every 3 Years

Question: Why can’t I email out of my QuickBooks Premier 2013 anymore? Answer: “Software sunset.” Intuit, the company that owns QuickBooks, like other software providers, continually upgrades and improves its products. And, from time to time, it stops supporting the older software in favor of the more recent versions. The QuickBooks products have been evolving…

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Thoughts on PPAI L.E.A.D. in Washington, D.C.

Last month I had the privilege of joining a select group of promotional products professionals in Washington, D.C., for Promotional Product Association International’s (PPAI) Legislative Education and Action Day (L.E.A.D.). Influential industry members from across the country volunteered their time to head to our nation’s capitol, to raise awareness about our industry and the legislation…

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