Tommy Hilfiger Launches Smart Apparel No One Asked For

When it comes to smart apparel, there are many fashion brands that have done it right. Nike launched its immersive NBA jerseys. Levi’s partnered with Google for its smart jacket. But we can’t help but scratch our heads at Tommy Hilfiger’s new smart apparel venture. According to TechCrunch,…

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All In the Logo: How Lululemon Turned Athleisure Apparel Into Work-Appropriate Attire

We’re constantly trying to find new and innovative ways to turn workout apparel into work-appropriate everyday wear. There’s still that one staggering question of “how do we get away with wearing a brand that is so commonly known for being one of the largest athletic/athleisure apparel companies?” Actually, the answer is quite simple, and Lululemon figured it out. It’s all about a new way the apparel company is using its logo…

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Are Clothing Vending Machines The Next Big Thing?

When we were growing up, we might have ventured a guess that clothing vending machines might exist in the future. Sure, those clothing items would have been branded with Lisa Frank artwork and the Spice Girls, but a vest vending machine is (almost) as exciting. According to Chron, there’s one of those very machines at…

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