PPAI’S Incentives Showcase To Make A Stop at PROMOTIONS EAST

Irving, Texas-based Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) announced a partnership with the Montvale, New Jersey-based Specialty Advertising Association of Greater New York (SAAGNY) to bring PPAI’s “brand.,” a recognition, awards and engagement showcase, to PROMOTIONS EAST 2010, June 6-9 at the Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic City, N.J.

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On the Road Again (and again and again)

It is that time of year when my suitcase becomes my home, when I travel coast-to-coast, shake hands and get in touch with industry leaders. I have come to recognize the value in business travel, however, sometimes it can be brutal.

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Promo Marketing Partners with Promotions East

Robert Schwarz, CAS, president of the Montvale, New Jersey-based Specialty Advertising Association of Greater New York Inc. (SAAGNY) announced the association’s board of directors has entered into an agreement to have Philadelphia-based Promo Marketing conduct the sales and marketing program for the Promotions East, the Association’s premier trade show conducted in Atlantic City, N.J. each June. “After an extensive search, Promo Marketing was selected to conduct the sales and marketing programs for Promotions East, the largest industry trade show in the East,” Schwarz stated. “We are very excited to have an industry publisher and service provider working with us to market and sell the

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Former Crown Products Managers Launch New Venture

When the founders of Plan B Marketing learned that their hometown of Mobile, Ala. led Forbes Magazine’s 2008 list of Top 10 Fastest Growing Small Business Economies, they took notice. When they discovered three other cities within an eight-hour drive also made the list, they took action.  Plan B Marketing opened its doors to serve businesses throughout Ala. and along the Gulf Coast.  Founded by Deborah Fetherland, Tucker Frazer and Amanda Bray, the company offers marketing and sales consulting services as well as more than 300,000 imprinted promotional products. “We help our clients get what they want from their marketing and sales programs,” explained Bray,

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Five Things More Expensive Than Gas

It’s really an exciting time for water-cooler talk. Hillary calls it quits, a heat wave hits the East Coast, and gas prices are doing their very own imitation of that Mountain Climber game from the Price is Right. Of the three, I think gas prices truly have the staying power to be part of office chatter for quite some time.
Gas prices have risen from $1.34 just under eight years ago, (Hmm, what happened eight years ago?) to a staggering nationwide average of just more than $4—an pproximate 64 percent increase. In an effort to help everyone cope, I’ve put together a

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