Do Gooders!

It’s easy to pigeonhole social responsibility into being about nothing more than driving a hybrid and saving old growth forests. The green movements power and celebrity, while valuable, can overshadow the other acts of human kindness that sustain societies as much as clean air, food and water.On both the supplier and distributor side of the…

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At Least Someone Is Hiring

I haven’t checked out Mike’s blog yet to see what fact he has chosen to publicize about me. I’m thinking it’s either about sparkling water or teddy bears (and if not, don’t ask).In any case, here are a couple of more late-breaking headlines. In a world of downsizing and layoffs, at least someone is finding…

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Crystal D Wins B2B Standard of Excellence WebAward

St. Paul, Minnesota-based Crystal D, an industry supplier of corporate awards, announced it won the B2B Standard of Excellence WebAward from the Web Marketing Association. This is the 12th annual competition including more than 2,400 Web sites from 45 countries in 96 categories. This is the second year Crystal D has won the Standard of Excellence WebAward. To win the WebAward, the Crystal D Web site,, earned above average scores in the business-to-business category. Contending Web sites were scored against other Web sites within each unique industry. Sites that scored above average received the Standard of Excellence WebAward. Three or more experts judged

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Find Little Risk in Company Rewards

THERE IS NO soon-to-be-dropped crystal ball hanging in Times Square. Washington is not setting up for a gigantic fireworks display (Congress not included), and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Q. Public aren’t ardently making New Year’s resolutions, but none of that means businesses and organizations aren’t getting ready for the new year—a time when corporate gifts and award programs usually reach a triumphant end or enlightened launch. Yes, distributors, it’s time to start thinking about the season of giving. Get with the program A 2008 survey by Scottsdale, Arizona-based WorldatWork, a nonprofit organization focused on knowledge leadership for human-resources diciplines, stated nearly 90 percent

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