PPAI’s Exhibitor Resource Center New for 2010

Irving, Texas-based Promotional Products Assocciation International (PPAI) announced its new Exhibitor Resource Center (ERC) is now available to update the Exhibitor Service Manual. In addition to updating an exhibitor directory listing online, companies will be able to constantly update all of their listings before, during and after The PPAI Expo 2010.

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PPAI To Launch DECORATE At The PPAI Expo 2010

Irving, Texas-based Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) announced it will launch DECORATE: A Promotional Equipment Show at The PPAI Expo 2010 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, January 11 to 15.

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Do Gooders!

It’s easy to pigeonhole social responsibility into being about nothing more than driving a hybrid and saving old growth forests. The green movements power and celebrity, while valuable, can overshadow the other acts of human kindness that sustain societies as much as clean air, food and water.On both the supplier and distributor side of the…

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Raising the Bar

[…] in a changing industry full of uncertainty—one begging for someone to take an ethical stand on how to conduct business, and facing a barrage of new product safety laws—where does the industry look for guidance, a solid knowledge base and products that offer peace of mind? Perhaps the Quality Certification Alliance (QCA), a nonprofit group founded by industry leaders, can provide that assurance. With a solid mission statement, “to raise the bar in providing consistently safe, high-quality, socially compliant and environmentally conscientious merchandise to clients and their constituents,” the organization is attempting to offer as much certainty as possible without a calculator and Schedule C or one foot in the grave. At the PPAI Expo in January, Promo Marketing sat down with three of the organization’s founding members, Jay Deutsch, CEO of Bensussen Deutsch & Associates (BDA), Woodinville, Wash.; Trevor Gnesin, president of Logomark, Tustin, Calif.; and Andrea Engel, vice president of merchandising for BroderBros., Trevose, Pa., in order to learn more. The QCA is really a group of 14 founding members coming together and saying we are going to put together a quality program, a safety program, surrounding products and social compliance inside of the marketplace. The great thing about this organization is that you’ve got suppliers who are in different categories … [and distributors who] really care about doing the right thing for the industry. There are so many laws, so many things that are procedures that really aren’t standardized, we thought it was important to do this as a service to our customer base, so they would feel comfortable knowing that no matter what product they bought from this group, they could be sure it met all the requirements, it was safe and there were no worries. First of all, we’ve been having conversations with our clients over the past five years. What we are really focused on is getting our founding members … accredited. Consumers want safe product and that’s not too much to ask. […] that should be the standard of this industry. … […] you have to [answer] prequalification questionnaires. Dee with third-party testing companies [goes] into your facilities, both here stateside—any domestic decorating, any overseas factories, and to a representation of your factories to ensure that your SOPs are alive and breathing. Product quality, product safety, social compliance, environmental stewardship and supply-chain safety. The overall basis of the self-assessment is [to ask the questions] “Do you have policies in place?” and “Do you have ways to enforce those policies?” It’s very intensive. If you have been in this business a long time and you have been doing the right amount of testing—you’ll find mistake opportunities in the manufacturing process. No one can test every single piece of every single consumer product sold or given away … it’s impossible. In the olden days, one could start a business, you could bring in product and you could sell it. Hopefully, there is going to be a natural attraction for people who take product safety and social compliance seriously.

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Breaking News: Industry Leaders Create Quality Certification Alliance

Key leaders in the promotional products industry today announced the formation of the Quality Certification Alliance, LLC (QCA), an independent, nongovernmental organization dedicated to elevating the standard in providing consistently safe, high quality, socially compliant and environmentally conscientious merchandise to Fortune 500 companies and small businesses. Executives from the organization’s founding companies officially launched QCA today at the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) Expo in Las Vegas. The QCA certification process assures merchandise manufactured, imprinted and imported by member companies conforms to established domestic and international product laws, regulations and standards. QCA has garnered wide support from numerous suppliers and distributors, including Avaline; Barton

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Artistic Toy Launches Giving and Awareness Program

Allentown, Pennsylvania-based Artistic Toy announced it will donate tens of thousands of stuffed animal plush toys to community organizations over the next 30 days. This act of philanthropy was inspired by the need to promote the U.S. Government’s new standards on toy safety and restore public confidence in the international supply chain.
To learn more about this campaign, visit www.artistictoysmfg.com/globalgiving.html
HPPA Awards Lifetime Membership to DeGreeff
Dave DeGreeff, of Flagship Promotional Services, Houston, was presented the Houston Promotional Products Association’s (HPPA) most prestigious award, Honorary Life Member.  The award recognizes a member who has made significant contributions to HPPA. 
During his 25 years

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GAPPP Announces Dates for 2009 Expo

The Atlanta-based Georgia Association of Promotional Products Professionals (GAPPP) announced its 2009 Educational Seminars for Profit (ESP) and the Expo trade show will be held March 4 to 5 at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Marietta, Ga. Seating is limited for distributors wanting to attend the ESP portion and early reservations are highly suggested. Members of other regional associations are able to attend all GAPPP events at member rates. GAPPP’s mission is to lead the vital and growing promotional products industry by assisting its members in education, professionalism, supplier/distributor relations and to provide a sense of community. In addition to the trade-show announcement, GAPPP

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