More on PPAI’s New Product Safety Requirement for Trade Show Exhibitors, Advertisers

On Jan. 13, 2014, Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) announced a new requirement for any company exhibiting at its trade shows or otherwise promoting itself through the organization. Now, in order to promote itself through PPAI’s channels, a business will have to designate one employee as a “product safety ambassador.” This employee will will have to complete a minimum of four hours of product safety education every two years in order for the business to use PPAI’s services to market itself. The initiative has been named the Product Safety Awareness Program.

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Remember the Expo, With Evernote

Who made that cool new product?!? You are just returning back from the PPAI Expo in Las Vegas when your client calls you with an urgent request for an important event and needs ideas today to place the order and have it delivered. You recall seeing three or four perfect items for the event, but you can’t recall which vendor had the items and you don’t know the proper keywords to find them in an online product search.

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PPAI Launches ‘Product Safety Aware’ Education Program

Today at the PPAI Expo, PPAI announced a new product safety program aimed at increasing education for suppliers and distributors. The program will require member companies to complete a minimum of four hours of product safety education in order to gain access to the PPAI marketplace. 

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