Adventures in Advertising Hosts “Elements for Success” Event

Neenah, Wisconsin-based Adventures in Advertising announced its 14th sales convention was held July 22 to 24 at the Grand Geneva Resort in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Under the event’s “Elements For Success” theme, the two-and-a-half day program featured education workshops, a supplier trade show, business updates, systems training, a fashion show, an awards dinner and entertainment.

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Weatheror Not

OPTIMISM IS A funny thing. Sometimes seeing the good side of a situation is all a matter of personal perception. Example: Instead of fretting over snow, rain or even chilly fall days lowering the exposure of your T-shirt promotions, why not look at inclement weather as an opportunity to sell imprinted outerwear?

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Hub Pen Company Announces Another First

Hub Pen Company, Braintree, Mass., was proud to announce Connor Stearns, the oldest of Hub production manager Bob Stearns’ five boys, pulled off a first place finish in the 5K Promotions East Fun Run.

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The Right Instrument

WHEN AMAZON RELEASED Kindle, its wireless reading device, bibliophiles everywhere shuddered. It was just another instance of a new technology running up against a treasured pastime. As any book lover will attest, there’s just something irreplaceable about the look, feel, and yes, even smell of a bound volume.

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