“Free Crab Tomorrow”

Joe’s Crab Shack offers free crab tomorrow. That’s because it’s never tomorrow. All we have is today. I’ve talked to thousands of distributors in this industry who will never get wealthy because they’re postponing success. Here are the three things that most people are doing to postpone success:

  1. The tyranny of the urgent. Our business is a very busy business. There are lots of details to attend to … sales, order entry, order follow-up, billing, credit collections and more. Many professionals in this industry get so bogged down in the details that they never take an opportunity to reflect on their lives, their futures or their opportunities. So many people get stuck in a rut because they are so busy with the tyranny of the urgent that they never take a time-out to examine if they are even on the right road to creating wealth.
  2. Just like starting a diet or quitting smoking, so many people say “I’ll start tomorrow” or “I”ll quit next week.” But tomorrow and next week never come. True wealth building activities are not always easy. For business owners, wealth-building activities are prospecting for new customers, selling more to the customers you already have, hiring and managing sales representatives and buying out your competition. For sales representatives it would be the first two activities in this list. These activities can be hard and involve facing rejection. It may be a lot easier to sit behind your desk all day, but you are just postponing your success.
  3. We all know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Repeating what you’ve always done in the past, again, is simply postponing success.

You have the power to make a change in your business today. Take the time to look at your options. Explore resources in our industry that can help you focus on wealth building activities. Break out of your routine. NOW is the time to take the next step in growing your business. Don’t wait for tomorrow.

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