Making Good on My Word

Well, compared to my last installment, this week’s blog will be quite the little ray of sunshine. At least, that’s what people call me.

I kid, but you see where I’m going with this? It’s a proven fact that a casual joke builds rapport. No need to laugh, I can’t see you. Just know I’m trying to make you feel comfortable. Because, frankly, lead poisoning doesn’t go very far in achieving the laid-back vibe I’m trying to create. And, yes, last week’s call to action had to be aired, but I’d like to choose this moment to move forward from a subject I obviously have strong feelings about and into more friendly territory. I promised you, and I quote, “The quasi-funny intro will be duly posted next week.” So, in the interest of fulfilling promises, here it is … more “quasi” than funny, and one week late. Ah, honesty.

You all know my name and what I look like, but what you don’t know was the full name vs. nickname conundrum I found myself in when entering the world of journalism. Unless my mother was bellowing my name from the front porch (give it a Long Island accent and draw it out: “Caaaa-ris-tennn!”), I’ve been “Chrissie” my whole life.

So consider this an open invitation to participate in my double life. Read Christen’s blog and her articles in Promo Marketing magazine, but if you see me at a trade show and call me Chrissie, I’ll know you perused this particular entry. It counts for nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I’ll think you’re pretty cool. You, my one reader. Maybe then you’ll tell your friends about this lil’ corner of heaven, and then we’ll really be starting something.

Now that we’re informally introduced, time for the quick intro. I absolutely hate any type of ice breaker or “All About Me” narrative so here are the highlights: I started at Promo Marketing magazine this summer; I’m loving the job, the industry and the staff here (get to know us, we’re funny, cool and modest); my main area of coverage is apparel; and I do so love show tunes.

Made good on promises from my first entry? Check.

Finally, a teaser for next week, or more likely, one extra week later than that (I strive for consistency). Suppliers, what tools do you think distributors need most on your Web site? Distributors, what have you found to be most helpful when looking for products on the Internet?

I turn it over to you, my one reader. Shoot the good word below. And bear in mind that I will keep soliciting comments until my reader identifies him/herself. Don’t be shy … we have a rapport now.


[email protected]

P.S. Okay, yes, I’m still on the lead subject. A bit of a silver lining from The New York Times, in case anyone’s interested:

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