Perhaps you’ve seen awareness posts all over social media, witnessed folks wearing themed apparel while out and about, or even received informational flyers about supporting a cause. Cause awareness has really come into the spotlight the past few years, with each calendar month dedicated to certain groups, charities, or initiatives designed to build awareness and gain support.
While promotional products distributors might have their own personal dedication to a specific one or select few, the fact of the matter is every month is an opportunity to help your clients support a different cause. February is all about heart health; April focuses on Earth Month and sustainability. And as we move into the summer months of 2023, May centers on pets and June is Pride Month. Are your clients equipped with the latest unique products to support these awesome initiatives? Go beyond the T-shirt and add some super sweet swag bandannas from Bandanna Promotions by Caro-line to the mix. As your GO-TO $3 and less wearable accessory promotion, you can’t miss with these items.
Summer Month Lineup
There’s still plenty of 2023 to capitalize on cause awareness initiatives. Here’s what everyone is looking forward to in the upcoming summer months:
- May – Pet Awareness Month
- June – Pride Month
- July – Patriotic Month
- August – Back-to-School/Football Month
Each month might bring about a different theme, but that doesn’t mean wearers won’t stop supporting something that’s near and dear to them once the calendar page turns. Rather than offer the same old product that will be used once then stuffed in a drawer, distributors can utilize functional bandannas. These can be printed and supplied by brands during events, and participants will wear them again and again in the future.
PAW-fect Pet Swag
Let’s start with Pet awareness. What better item to supply your clients than pet triangles from Bandanna Promotions? Teach your clients to go beyond traditional T-shirts or hats to support Pet Awareness Month. Suggest a more unique walking billboard: a logo-branded pet triangle bandanna.
Take any of the company’s novelty, patriotic, tie dye, or camo bandannas and order as a pet triangle for those furry friends. These are printed using an overprint design on the existing pattern on the bandannas.

Here’s the best part: pet triangles aren’t just great marketing tools for vets, pet stores, groomers, and pet food manufacturers. Open up your customers’ minds and introduce them to breweries, real estate agents, banks, and more. Many of the clients can offer logoed bandannas to their customers during Pet Awareness Month.
Plus, it’s summertime, which means owners are out and about walking their pets, taking them to dog parks, visiting pet-friendly stores, and more. The increased traffic means more eyes on your clients’ name, logo, or cause.
Show Some Pride
Next up is June, or Pride Awareness Month. Pride has lent its name to LGBTQ+-themed organizations, institutes, foundations, book titles, periodicals, a cable TV station, and the Pride Library. While June takes its place as the focus month, this awareness extends far beyond.
Bandanna Promotions by Caro-line offers an extension line of 22” bandannas that are perfect to wear during Pride Month and throughout the entire year. Check out the Love is Loud, Rainbow Tie Dye Peace and Love, and the Pride Flag bandannas for eye-catching fashion.
One consideration to keep in mind is branded bandannas give your clients the best of both worlds: high-quality wearables without the high price tag. Bandanna Promotions is proud to offer promo bandannas for less than $3 to help support worthy causes such as Pride Month for your clients.
Patriotic Themes
Moving into July, all things Patriotic are front and center this month. But don’t limit your clients to just promoting their patriotic pride on July 4th. This is the perfect time to add a logo, cool theme, or celebratory message to events, festivals, and more happening throughout July. Patriotic and Flag bandannas will show any company’s American pride. By choosing one of Bandanna Promotions’ patriotic, USA-made bandannas for your client’s promotional needs, you’ll also be supporting an American-owned business! Artwork is screen printed using an overprint on the existing designs. The company offers the following patterns:
- American Flag Square
- Tossed American Flag
- 2nd Amendment
- Denim American Flag
- Wavy American Flag
- Twinkle Stars (Red)
- Ribbons and Stars
- Painted Flag
- Arizona, California, or Texas State Flag
- Patriotic Swirl (Imported)
- Patriotic Camo
- U.S. Flag (Imported)
That’s quite a few options to choose from, allowing your clients to select the right pattern for their patriotic marketing needs.
Three Cheers for Bandannas
Close out summer in August with some sports or back-to-school themed campaigns! With a particular focus on football, this is the perfect month to spotlight your clients to sports fans everywhere. The Scarf-danna is the perfect item for fans supporting their favorite team. This U.S.-made bandanna is 100% cotton and is rotary imprinted with custom color background step-and-repeat logo designs. Not only can clients give it to their customers to kick off football season in August and September, but they can wear it all season long.
Or perhaps your clients want to make sure customers are ready for back-to-school with the latest fashionable gear. Offer them bandannas to meet this need. There’s more than one way to sport these stylish wearables. Bring a product sample along with you on your client meetings to demonstrate all the ways this fashionable accessory can be worn, including:
- Headband
- Necktie
- Doo Rag
- Cowboy
- Pocket Square
- Hat Band
- Hair Wrap
Unlike other promos that may be seen primarily by the end-user, wearables like bandannas are worn and displayed everywhere end-users go that day, collecting impressions from peers and passersby along the way. This offers your clients an impressive return on investment, giving them more impressions for their ad spend with every bandanna they purchase.
As the GO-TO $3 and less functional item, bandannas continue to meet the needs of those supporting various causes throughout the year. Get your hands on a free sample kit and kick your summer awareness sales into high gear!