You Will See It … When You Believe It: 10 Tips to Make 2013 Your Best Year Ever

Have you read “The Secret”? How about “You Will See It, When You Believe It”, by Dr. Wayne Dyer? If not, put them on your Q1 reading list.

Have you ever wondered about what makes really successful people really successful, or really positive people really positive? They understand the principle in these books, which is to visualize and believe the end result has already happened. This has tremendous relevance in setting sales goals.

Sounds simple, but it is really about understanding, and living by your personal commitments to yourself. We don’t have the space to dig deeper, so read the books, and you will gain a greater understanding.

Now, once you commit to what you will achieve in 2013, the rest is up to planning and implementing. This is the time of the year to evaluate that which you do well, and that which you know you should do, but don’t. The success habits that you build into your plan today, will get you to your goals of tomorrow.

Here are just a handful of thoughts, and ideas to make your 2013 business plan one that will surely bring the results you believe you can achieve.

1. Own your 12/31/2013 Sales Number – It’s nobody else’s but yours, and you have to take ownership. Put it on a monthly goal sheet and compare it to your actual 2012 results to track your progress.

2. Evaluate your Current Client Base – We all have clients that should probably be fired. Get rid of the time wasters and low-margin business. Then prospect your way to financial bliss. Go online or to the library now and plan your first 25 new targets for 2013.

3. Survey your Clients – This is the perfect time to send a survey to your clients to see how you are doing, and what they would like to see from you in 2013.

4. Review your Selling Proposition – Your U.S.P. (unique selling proposition) everyone has one, and you should clearly define yours in writing. Next, ask your best clients if you can take a photo of a job you have done for them and write a brief case history about the projects. Then, build a “Brag Book” featuring these “Success Stories” showing your creative advantage. Put these stories with your U.S.P. and you are ready for any new appointment.

5. Organize your Office for Efficiency – Take time to organize and set up your computer and office for efficiency. Place recurring reminders in Outlook (or whatever you use) to remind you to order spec samples. Schedule other productive activities the same way, and have contact lists by your phone for easy access.

6. Find a Success Partner – To keep you on track, find someone in our business that has the same lofty goals for growth as you. It needs to be someone in sales, not management. Spend time weekly reviewing prior weekly commitments and new weekly goals. The idea is to hold each other accountable.

7. Join a Networking Group – Develop a center of influence. Find a local organization that can help your business thrive. Also, look for opportunities to give a talk about the power of promotional products. Get out of your comfort zone. Have fun!

8. Decorate More Than They Order – As a new policy, ask suppliers if they can decorate a couple of other items to complement jobs you sell. If the printing process is similar, many suppliers would gladly do this. Never miss this opportunity with apparel jobs. Even if you have to pay a little, it is worth it. It’s 2013 money in the bank!

9. Make up a “Grab & Go Kit” – You drive by businesses every day that you plan to call on, but don’t, because you are not prepared. We all do. Have a “Grab & Go Kit” with you at all times with your contact materials so you will be prepared to make a new a call at any time.

10. Maintain the Right Attitude – Have fun with this business. The more productive you are, the more fun it will be. It’s not work if you love what you do.

Success is yours in 2013 … if you visualize your goals and execute your plans!

Best of Success!

Dale Limes, MAS, is Senior Vice President of Sales for HALO Branded Solutions. He is an industry veteran of 27 years, a frequent trainer at industry events, and consults with distributors at every level to help increase sales and efficiency.

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