Do You Suffer from Elephant Thinking?

Lately, I’ve been pondering the changing world we live in. In reflecting on this topic, a concept one of the most forward-thinking people I know, Charley Johnson, shared a while ago came to mind. Many people are so afraid of change they can’t move … but change is happening quickly. Click here for a video that presents some astonishing numbers reflecting rapid change.

In good times, in bad times, and in between times, the same rules apply. If you want to do something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you will make excuses. The future of our industry is not in some new technology or exclusive new product. It’s in the minds of the people.

The mentality that holds many people back is due to “elephant thinking.” Elephant thinking stems from when a baby elephant is trained for the circus. The baby elephant’s leg is chained to a pole in the ground. The baby elephant wants to get away. He pulls and tugs, but he can’t escape—the chain is too big and the pole is too deep in the ground. So he stops trying. As he grows up, he just assumes he can’t get away. Today, he’s a six-ton elephant. He could sneeze and pull out the chain, but he doesn’t try.

Circus trainers say they can put a piece of string around that six-ton elephant’s leg and he won’t break away. This assumed constraint is a belief you have based on past experiences, embedded in your mind at a very early age. Your parents, your siblings, your friends and your environment have all shaped you, along with things you were told you could or could not do. These same constraints are still around in your life today.

We all have invisible walls in our own minds that keep us from getting to our full potential. These walls keep us from seeing problems as opportunities. They keep us from going after what we want because we think we just can’t do it.

The first step is to admit you have a string around your ankle. This string needs to be broken or you will be old and gray, wondering “What if?”

Many attend the same classes and the same presentations. We all have the same need to be motivated by an outside force other than ourselves. These classes promote “sales techniques” that will increase sales, new “team building” that will revolutionize your workforce, and “marketing expertise” from self-proclaimed experts.

All this info means nothing and does you no good if you are not in the right mindset. You don’t need a new sales or a marketing consultant to help you increase your exposure. You need to sit down and work on yourself. You need to work on the most powerful tool you will ever have the ability to use—your own mind.

The saying “It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all” has nothing to do with love. It has to do with trying something out and seeing if it will work or not. It’s about taking that opportunity and failing, rather than not taking a chance at all—”What if?”

The first step in getting out of this mindset is to get out of the blame game. Stop blaming your spouse, your kids, your job, the government, the economy or whatever else people complain about to rationalize why they are not where they want to be. Too many people are in the complain-and-blame mindset, and it’s holding them back from simply taking action and making things happen. Those people who take action on their ideas, whether they fail or succeed, will be so far ahead that everyone else won’t be able to catch up.

Our industry is filled with Elephant Thinking people. I deal with businesses all the time … suppliers and my own distributor clients who are too afraid to try anything new. Some scratch their heads and wonder why they are not experiencing the results they desire. Companies are afraid to jump into social media or other ways to cost-effectively share their message out of fear or perhaps ignorance. This is true Elephant Thinking. The chain is on and they aren’t going anywhere. Consider breaking the chain and seeing where that will take you.

The website is packed with all kinds of beneficial information and exclusive FREE offers from a few non Elephant Thinking supplier companies. Don’t miss out on what’s happening! Opt in to receive their e-newsletters like their page on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

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7 Thoughts to “Do You Suffer from Elephant Thinking?”

  1. Great – and well-written – article, Jeff. In our Company, I’m beginning to see some real change, and it’s not always easy to turn an old, traditional ship – but our HO folks realized that change was needed. However, more-so than that, I know that I must be willing to change – and much of that is simply forcing myself out – and in front of people – more.

    In other areas, it means putting together a plan, and dedicating myself to seeing it through!

  2. great article Jeff, because of technology I believe we are all forced to changed.
    By the way nice photo, class of ’87?

  3. great article Jeff, because of technology I believe we are all forced to changed.
    By the way nice photo, class of ’87?

  4. Thanks Jeff for your encouragement to get out there on social media. I cited your article and you and posted it on my blog. Craig

  5. Thanks Jeff for your encouragement to get out there on social media. I cited your article and you and posted it on my blog. Craig

  6. I can think of a few people, as well as myself, who in one way or another are guilty of the above. Excellent article, Jeff – thanks!


  7. I can think of a few people, as well as myself, who in one way or another are guilty of the above. Excellent article, Jeff – thanks!


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