The Ingredients of Success (Part 1 of a 10 Part Series)

Like a recipe for a great meal, successful people share certain traits that, when combined, create a life worth living. “Success” is a multifaceted word with different meanings to different folks. For some, it implies profit, prosperity or even popularity. Herein lies one of the problems for many people. They want to be successful, but they don’t have any idea of what success for themselves looks like, feels like or is. The dictionary defines success as the “accomplishment of an aim or purpose.”

So, before we go too far in our discussion of success, spend some time getting a clear picture of your purpose. As the Cheshire Cat in “Alice in Wonderland” said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” To the recipe analogy, are we making an entree or a dessert?

How You Think Is Everything
Getting a positive mindset is the key ingredient for achieving success. Negative people attract negative results. Positive people attract positive results. Many scholars have studied high achievers in sports, in business and in life, and have found this to be the No. 1 shared characteristic.

Here’s a great quote from a guy with a great last name:

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” – Frank Outlaw

You must be purposeful and know what success looks like for you. Whether it is material wealth, spiritual growth, intellectual development, status, happiness, relationships or health, you must know what you seek and then see yourself going to it with clear thinking and purposeful action.

Is the thinking that has gotten you to where you are today of the type that can bring you to your dreams and aspirations? Do you have an abundance or a scarcity mindset?

Is your purpose aligned with your goals, and is it strong enough to drive your actions?

Get your thoughts right, and your actions will take you where you want to go.

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