Small Businesses, Checklists and Newsletters

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a relaxing and fun Labor Day! Here are a few handy links plucked from the internet to help you get back into the swing of the workaday life:

Weekly Small-business Roundup from The New York Times
A huge amount of relevant business links. Standouts include a piece debating the effectiveness of QR codes and a bunch more on how small businesses seem to be rebounding from the recession.

How Checklists Can Save Lives – And Your Business

Article linking how effective checklists are in the medical field (allegedly dropping certain infection rates to 0 percent once implemented and enforced) to how much they can help your business. The article gives a bunch of ideas for implementation, from making sure you don’t skip easy-yet-important steps to really fine-tuning your business.

Email Newsletters: Best practices for Small Businesses
Email newsletters can be a great business tool, but they can also be a huge pain. This article explains a few key ideas to keep your email subscribers happy and clicking what you want to click.

That’s all guys! Hope you find these helpful, and until next week!

MONDAY MIKE FACT: I spent Labor Day watching about 5 and ½ hours of Arrested Development. I regret nothing.

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