Time Management: 10+ Tips to Help Through the Busiest Days

Since we’ve just entered the guns-blazing, runaway-stagecoach phase of production on September’s magazine, I thought it might be fun to share a few helpful links on time management with my fellow over-toiling peers. You know, kind of as a fun way to spit in the faces of the fates and say, “Email me all you want jerks, I have a to-do list, noise-blocking headphones and six boxes of five-hour energy!” Read on, and may you win the war againt time and labor’s cruel conspiracy.

1) A short and helpful time-management video narrarated by what sounds like a young Austrailian woman. From Crocadile Dundee to Mel Gibson pre-madness, Austrailians are the masters of educational video, so you can’t really go wrong here.

2) A bunch of time management tips for new college students from Dartmough college. Sure it’s meant to help new students responsibly cope with the new freedoms of college life, but honestly there’s a lot of good information here that transfers fine to adult life as well. Plus, there are ’70s-style educational videos to watch! That’s like a mental comfort food in of itself.

3) Article and audio story from NPR on how multitasking works and how much it slows you mind down overall. Make your lists and focus on one task at a time people! It does not pay to split your attention.

Until next week!

MONDAY MIKE FACT: I think my girlfriend is going to make pancakes for dinner, which is possibly the greatest motivator I have to try and survive this work day

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