Are Promo Industry Firms So Desperate For Short-Term Gains That They’re Willing To Gamble Their Future?

Taking the initiative to ensure safety and responsibility throughout the entire supply chain not only protects the brand equity of end-buyers, but also secures our livelihood in the promotional products industry. Sure, you could continue to gamble by ignoring product safety and responsible sourcing in order to achieve short-term gains, but the safe bet is to invest in the policies and procedures to protect the entire supply chain…

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Rationalizing Your Way Out of Responsible Promo Sourcing

To justify taking the easy way out and not having the harder, more educational conversations with their customers, both suppliers and distributors tell themselves all kinds of lies: “My customers aren’t asking for it,” “My competitors aren’t doing it,” “It’s too expensive” and “No one has been caught.” What they may not realize is that these lies are costing them business…

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