Making the Grade

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell. « Gautama BuddhaThe news this month has been filled with journalists, news personalities, politicos and average Joes alike grading President Obama and his…

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A Caring Industry

As people have probably seen from both this week’s and last’s newsletter, there is no end to the compassion shown by the suppliers and distributors of this industry. With the two tragedies, the earthquake in China and the continuing flooding in the Midwest, came news of devastation that needs no elaboration. What also came was a true outpouring of support. Journalbooks, Norwood, PPAI amd Hub Pen are just a few of the companies and organizations providing support and relief efforts. I hope everyone will consider donating to help make their efforts a success. Below are links to articles from last week’s newsletter.
Journalbooks Aims

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