It all starts with good vibrations. Over the next several months, I am going to share my thoughts and experiences regarding the law of attraction. The law of attraction simply is about how we can attract more of what we want and avoid those things we don’t want in our lives. If you want more…
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11 Keys to Great Success in Life and Business: Key 10: Grow Your Sales Skills
Most of us will never win the big lottery, so we have to go out and earn our successes. And earning success equals selling. In Key No. 8, I talked about the four pillars of success, the only four things a business owner can do to create wealth: Earn new customers. Sell more to your…
Read More11 Keys to Great Success in Life and Business: Key 9: Understand Accounting and Finance
Let me apologize to you right up front—this article isn’t the typical “dream big” stuff I enjoy writing about. But the truth is, if you don’t understand these concepts, your big dreams could turn into big nightmares. Many sales-minded people are not interested in accounting and finance. My guess is that it’s a right brain/left…
Read More11 Keys to Great Success in Life and Business: Key 8: Major in the Majors
All work is not created equal. There are really two types of work. The first type is the work that can make you wealthy. The second type is the work that might make you crazy and certainly won’t make you wealthy. In our business, there are only four types of activities that will make a…
Read More11 Keys to Great Success in Life and Business: Key 7: Be Accountable
The key difference between big businesses and small businesses is that big businesses are driven by timely accountability. Big businesses have boards of directors/advisers to whom management needs to report. If you want to maximize your results, you need to be accountable. Most small-business owners started their businesses because they wanted independence. I get it.…
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