So You Think it’s Fun?

Having just returned from some early-season trade shows, I am in awe of the commitment my industry colleagues have to help us build our business. I wrote about this some time ago in a commentary entitled, “A Salute to Our Industry Heroes.”

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It’s Simple. Be Nice. It’s Good for Business

Good communication leads to good relationships, and good relationships are good for business. This applies to both our personal and professional lives.

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Time for a Cool Change…

Article titles and content sometimes come to me in the strangest ways. This one came to me as I was enjoying the cool weather outside the Long Beach Convention Center, as the 2013 SAAC Show was about to begin.

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Did the Election Mean Business Loss or Gain for You?

Now that the election is (thankfully) over, the question could be asked, how much business did you lose (or gain) during this political season based on your viewpoint?

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Are You Prepared?

This Rant is about being prepared which affects both our business lives as well as personal. Fire, earthquakes, floods and technology failures can disrupt our business. But so can the loss of spouses, co-workers, business partners, and friends. How prepared are you? How prepared can you be?

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