7 Reasons You Should Buy the Apple Watch (Or Another Smart Watch)

The hype around the Apple Watch is reaching epic proportions, and while I am far from an Apple fan boy, there are some very good reasons you should buy a smart watch based on my recent interaction with my own smart watch.

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Speak Now and Sell More!

How would you like a powerful marketing strategy that can position you as a leader in your field, put you in front of your best prospects, and help you close sales quickly?

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Why the Heck Did You Dispute that Credit Card Charge?

After noticing a discrepancy in my credit card batch total, I called my credit card merchant and was informed that one of my customers who had placed a $500 order for mugs disputed the credit card charge! Distributors, has this ever happened to you?

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Are You in the Top 2% Who Are Creating a Compelling Reason for Buyers to Meet With You?

What’s the biggest challenge facing salespeople these days? We hear it all the time—setting up an initial meeting with a prospective client is getting tougher and tougher.

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