5 (More) Tips for Writing Knife-sharp Press Releases

A follow-up from last month’s popular post, five more pointers for writing clean, pointed and effective press releases.

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QR Codes 3-3-9 (3 Do’s, 3 Don’ts and 9 Suggestions)

This week, I’m pleased to present this piece by guest blogger Ken Kelsey, MAS from Kelsey Promo. Ken is a good friend and fellow inductee into the MiPPA Hall of Fame. He also happens to be one of the most knowledgeable QR Code users around.

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RSS For Success

For the next few weeks, I thought I’d highlight a few Web applications that some of you might find useful. Not that I’m any great-and-powerful computer wizard or anything, but I do like to get my nerd on now and again. As a result of said nerdiness, I’ve picked up a few good tricks that those not permanently tethered to a computer screen like myself might not know. This week we’re going to cover one of the basics–RSS readers.

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Making Good on My Word

Well, compared to my last installment, this week’s blog will be quite the little ray of sunshine. At least, that’s what people call me.
I kid, but you see where I’m going with this? It’s a proven fact that a casual joke builds rapport. No need to laugh, I can’t see you. Just know I’m trying to make you feel comfortable. Because, frankly, lead poisoning doesn’t go very far in achieving the laid-back vibe I’m trying to create. And, yes, last week’s call to action had to be aired, but I’d like to choose this moment to move forward from a subject I obviously

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