The Mayor of Funkytown

Each Power Box has its own personality. Power Box 1 is really into dubstep music. He raves hard all weekend long. On weekdays, he wakes up around noon and hits the gym with his Resistor Strip from Ad Bands. No, he’s not a college student. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in marketing, and works from home on a variety of social media campaigns for upcoming movies. Although he’s not the boss, he makes his own hours because he’s cool like that. 

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Ravaging Vampire Attack

I’ll admit that I was a little behind the social networking curve. I was still a Friendster guy when clearly it was time to move up to Facebook (which is apparently the adult way to send a Ravaging Vampire Attack to another adult).

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I’m Switzerland

A morning trip to the eye doctor means I can’t technically see that well right now, which should make this blog post extremely interesting for everyone involved, particularly the poor soul who has to proofread this.
Anyway, so I’m working on a feature for our upcoming issue on products made in the USA, and that old Dave Mason song just kept going through my head: “There ain’t no good guys, there ain’t no bad guys, it’s only you and me and we just disagree.”

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How was Chicago?

After catching a late-night flight back from Chicago, I can say it’s good to be home. It was a good trip in terms of meeting new people and finding exciting products that we will be showcasing in upcoming issues. While I’m not sure how the show traffic compares to last year (you tell me), there definitely were ample suppliers and distributors to talk to. Unfortunately, I won’t be in Long Beach next week but I hope everyone will stop by the booth and say hello to Anthony and Erin. It’s a good place to check out our end-buyer catalogs and if you haven’t

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