Who Is Your Ideal Client?

If you’re struggling to increase your sales, perhaps you need to better identify your ideal client. Decide who your ideal client is and focus the majority of your marketing efforts on that potential client population. Ask yourself these questions to better identify an ideal client for you:

1. What industries are they in?

2. What job titles do they hold?

3. Do they work in large corporations or are they small-business entrepreneurs?

4. What business or marketing challenges do they typically have that you can solve with a promotional campaign?

5. How have they used promotional items in the past?

6. How much money do they typically spend on promotional items per year?

7. How do they make decisions on promotional purchases, bid, best idea, relationship etc.?

8. At what types of events do they typically use promotional items?

9. How do they prefer to purchase promotional items (on the Internet, in-person)

10. How do they prefer to be contacted: phone, email, text?

11. What do they value most in a promotional marketing consultant?

12. How will they treat you (respect your ideas, pay on time, etc.)?

These questions are just a beginning. Add your own questions to better identify your ideal client profile. The more questions you ask and answer, the better chance you have of creating effective marketing and increasing your sales. Having an ideal client profile is also a great way to weed out the people you don’t want as clients.

Take action: If I were to ask you who an ideal client is for you, what would you say? Please comment below.

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach, is a promotional products business expert, coach and speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients sell more at higher profit margins and dramatically increase their incomes! Get a FREE special report: 10 Big Mistakes Promotional Professionals Make and How to Avoid Them at www.promobizcoach.com. Reach her at [email protected] or (215) 572-6766.

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