5 Reasons Politics Is Like Sales

5 Reasons Politics is Like Sales:
  1. Sometimes the people making the decisions are not the people you are talking with.
  2. You never get the order you don’t ask for.
  3. You rarely get the order on the first try.
  4. Relationships matter.
  5. Actions speak louder than words.
Wednesday and Thursday of this week, more than 80 industry leaders will talk face-to-face with our elected politicians and their staff about the promotional products industry.
Why it matters to you:
Congress is considering the deductibility of advertising expenditures. As tax reform moves closer toward reality, members of the House and the Senate are considering changing the current advertising deduction levels through a unique section in the tax code. This section would allow only 50 percent of advertising expenses to be deducted in the current year, with the remaining 50 percent amortized over five years. This legislation would negatively impact advertising as a business option.
Even though you aren’t in Washington, D.C. with us this week, you can contribute to the discussion about deductibility, as well as the importance of our industry overall. It’s very easy. Just visit www.cqrcengage.com to share with your elected officials how you feel about this issue.
Follow @PPAILaw on Twitter and keep aware of what’s happening with #PPAILaw.
Just like sales, the more effort we put into this, the more likely we will be successful.
Geiger CIO Dale Denham, MAS+ provides practical insights on how you can benefit from technology in no nonsense terms. Follow him on Twitter @GeigerCIO.

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