Justin Case & Bag Designs to Combine & Launch New Website

Effective January 1, 2011, Toronto-based Justin Case and Bag Designs are coming together under one company name, Justin Case. The New Justin Case will be home to all of our popular brand lines including Justin Case, UZZI, Liquiware, Obusforme and Bag Designs.

In 2007, Bag Designs, a leading supplier of bags and accessories to the promotional products industry, purchased Justin Case, an established supplier serving the industry for more than 20 years by providing cutting edge automotive, first aid and emergency preparedness kits and accessories.

“It has been our goal all along to bring the two companies together in the market,” said Max Baer, president of Justin Case and Bag Designs. “As you can imagine it takes time to successfully integrate two company cultures and create a winning team,” Baer added.

Baer continued, “Now that we have successfully merged the two companies internally, we are ready to merge them externally in the market. Our ultimate goal is to provide exceptional customer service to our distributor partners. By bringing the two companies together in the market we can really focus on giving distributors the tools they need and make it much easier for them to do business with us.”

For more information on Justin Case, call (877) 761-8998 or visit www.justincase.ca.

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