Printing Error Leads to Misspelled School Name on Diplomas

Students graduating from Broadneck High School in Annapolis this week could celebrate something else: being the first class to officially graduate from “Broadbeck High School” thanks to an error at the printer.

According to the Baltimore Banner, more than 500 students received their diplomas with their school’s name misspelled. The school’s principal said that staff found out about the issue after the ceremony, and tracked it back to the printer. The school received a proof from the printer with the correct spelling, but something went wrong between proof and print.

“Though it does not seem to be an error on the school’s behalf, I sincerely and wholeheartedly apologize that it occurred at all,” principal Rachel Kennelly said, according to the Baltimore Banner. “It is an error that I find unacceptable, but luckily is also one that can be remedied.”

Yes, in the end, this will be fine and can make for a funny story for students to tell. Clearly others find it funny, as someone taped over the school’s name on a sign to reflect the typo.

But, it’s a lesson for distributors to triple-check their projects to make sure everything is accurate and spelled correctly. Otherwise, it could be more consequential than just a clever student putting tape on a school’s sign.

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