Women In Print and Promo: Anna Mosakowski, COO of Sock101

For the 11th year in a row, Print & Promo Marketing is proud to present its annual “Women in Print and Promo” feature. In honor of Women’s History Month — and every month — we are sharing the transformative paths these women have taken to help drive the industry forward. Find out what motivates them, where they’ve succeeded, and how companies can advance female talent. Stay tuned throughout the month for more profiles, and check out the March issue of Print & Promo Marketing for the full feature.

Our first profile is of Anna Mosakowski, chief operating officer for Sock101, Lee’s Summit, MO.

Anna Mosakowski

Much like her employer’s 2024 intention, Anna Mosakowski “stepped into a new version” of herself when she joined the world of promo nearly eight years ago. Mosakowski, an aspiring graphic designer, began her job search shortly after graduating from Park University in Parkville, Missouri. A friend forwarded Mosakowski an appealing job post. It wasn’t for a design agency, but it was close to home.

Mosakowski accepted a graphic designer role at Sock101. She wondered what the deal was with promotional products. In her mind, this wasn’t going to last long. She was wrong.

In the beginning, Mosakowski was part of a six-member team of which she was the lone designer. “It was simpler back then,” she says. As the company expanded, Mosakowski grew with it. After two years at Sock101, Mosakowski was promoted to art director. She hired a second designer to assist her in the art department. Almost four years later, Mosakowski became chief operating officer, a title she currently holds. Not even she could predict this swift ascent. Let’s rewind.

Two designers quickly turned into more designers than employees — a big change from that tight-knit team of six from the early days. Mosakowski liked the idea of being a leader. Management quickly realized more people required more structure and processes. Mosakowski listened to her team. She used their input to find more efficient ways to move requests from a sales lead to order entry. Sock101 brought in an ERP/CRM system to help integrate this. The details were in her designs.

“What truly stands out about Anna is her unwavering willingness to learn and adapt,” according to her nominator. “She has shown a remarkable ability to embrace new challenges, master new skills, and apply innovative approaches to her work. This commitment to continuous improvement has not only propelled her personal growth but has also positively impacted the entire team.”

Eventually, different people moved on from Sock101’s sales and management team, which left a void, Mosakowski recalls. That’s when Sock101 CEO Kelly Yarborough asked Mosakowski to take on the challenge of leading the entire company in day-to-day operations.

“Looking back on it now, I am really glad not to be at a corporate company,” Mosakowski says.

Her Proudest Career Achievement

I’m proud of our company culture and the growth we’ve experienced the last few years.

How Failure Taught Her Resiliency

Ha. I encounter failures all the time. I’m consistently trying to explore new ideas to help our company and its processes. By trying new things, there are bound to be failures but it’s important to learn from them and try [again].

Her Most Significant Barrier as a Female Leader

Over time, I’ve noticed a positive shift in the promotional industry, making it more inclusive for women. Initially, I wasn’t aware of the significant number of women holding leadership roles and the existence of networking events tailored specifically for women, like the PPAI Women’s Leadership Conference, when I first entered the field.

How She Thinks Companies Can Attract and Retain Female Talent

Build[ing] a company culture where women feel listened to and empowered is important. Additionally, having work-life balance is essential.

Her Job Advice to Women

For women entering the print and promo industry, focus on your unique skills and passions — network and advocate for yourself.

Her Upcoming Goals

In the professional realm, my goals are to grow my network and encourage creativity in our company. On a personal note, I aim to spend more time with my family and travel more. Life looked different 10 years ago.

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