The Power of Customer Service and Clear Communication

This article originally appeared in Apparelist. To read more, click here

Company A prioritizes clear communication, quick response times, and has a customer-centric approach. Its staff is well-trained to assist customers in selecting the right options, providing updates on order status, and addressing any concerns promptly.

Company B is disorganized and is unwilling to take accountability. They take days before responding to inquiries and use confusing language around the process. They don’t address customer concerns adequately and use the excuse of being too busy as the reason they are behind.

From these two examples, which company would you feel good about working with? Pretty obvious, right?

There are two powerful elements that set successful businesses apart from the rest — exceptional customer service and clear communication. In this article, we’ll dive into the art of providing exceptional service, offering a comprehensive guide that goes beyond the ordinary to ensure your clients not only return but become loyal advocates for your brand. From effective communication strategies to personalized experiences, let’s explore how to elevate your customer interactions that leave a lasting impression on your clients.

5 Strategies to be a Solutions Provider

There is a well-known phrase we’ve all heard before, regardless of industry: “The customer is always right.” Some live by this rule while others dismiss it due to past experiences. The truth is, whether the customer is right or wrong is irrelevant. This phrase should be reworked to say, “The customer is always seeking a guide.” We can step into the role of a guide that showcases our expertise, not by pushing our products and services, but by providing a solution to someone’s problem.

The first step is to listen. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to our competitors. This creates a loud, almost piercing noise, so much so that we lose sight of why we do this in the first place.

When we stop focusing on the competition and use that time and energy to focus on our customers, great things happen. We find ourselves not only building an impenetrable fortress of trust, but the ROI will be very rewarding for you, your team, your company, and your customers. The best advice I ever received from one of my mentors was simply this: Listen.

Every customer interaction is an opportunity to cultivate loyalty and advocacy for your shop, which is your brand. As much as we, as owners, want to own our brand, the real ownership rests in the hands of the consumer. If your customers view your shop as a company that takes care of their basic needs, then that is what you will be. If customers see your shop as one that paves the way forward with innovation and goes beyond the call, that is your brand. The good news is that you have control over how others will see you. That control comes from how you communicate.

Rather than viewing customer service as a series of transactions, smart companies approach it as an ongoing conversation. Their focus centers on relationship building through responsive, open communication at each touchpoint along the customer journey. Adopting this customer-centric mindset requires strengthening some key communication skills and forming healthy habits around empathy, active listening, and accountability.

Let’s breakdown five key fundamentals when it comes to offering outstanding customer service and communication:


Effective communication is what takes companies from ok → good → great. It’s the foundation of great customer service. If you are unable to properly communicate the good and the bad to your customers, you will quickly find yourself struggling to maintain their trust and loyalty.

Be sure to emphasize clarity across all channels, whether email, phone, or in-person. Provide meticulous order confirmations that reiterate key details like product specs, quantities, pricing, and delivery timelines. I realize this sounds like business basics 101, but you’d be surprised at how many don’t do this. Use straightforward language and avoid industry jargon that could cause confusion. Take time to explain concepts or complex processes thoroughly.

Clear communication not only sets the stage for a smooth order process from start to finish, but it can create a life-long customer. Always document the details to mitigate future miscommunication risks. Follow phone calls, video calls, and texts with summary emails outlining any details discussed or agreements made. If part of your customer communications are through texts and live chats, have a system in place that automatically stores this information for reference. If issues ever do arise, you’ll always be able to go back to the documentation to resolve discrepancies.

A customer that never relays the details in full or approves the proofs but is unhappy with the completed product should rarely be the case. You are the expert, and it is your responsibility to ask the right questions in order to have all of the information needed to move forward successfully. Create clear terms and conditions, as well as order details and next steps in your emails and on the invoices you send to your customers. This gives the customer reassurance that their order is in good hands, and it also acts as a firewall for you if issues arise.


An essential aspect of communication is setting realistic expectations upfront about product availability, potential delays, and all that is involved with an order. These expectations are not just part of a strategy — it is committing to honesty and building trust. Over-promising and under-delivering is far too common, so take into account your current schedule and how you can over-deliver every time. Be transparent about lead times and capacities to avoid disappointing customers later.

During order confirmation, establish contact points where you will provide status updates, such as when production begins, midway checks, and order completion. Schedule and automate reminders for proactive customer communication at these key milestones to reflect your commitment to transparency and building trust in the business relationship. Reiterate your dedication to delivering exceptional products and service through timely updates to reinforce that you are meeting or exceeding expectations.

If you accept a project that is complex in nature, proactively address any concerns, demonstrate how you’ll resolve them, and consider alternatives where appropriate. If you encounter significant delays or issues, it’s imperative to notify the customer as quickly as possible and offer viable alternatives as needed. This shows the customer that their needs are your priority. Realistic expectations paired with solutions-focused communication builds customer confidence. Always think two steps ahead so that your customer can focus on what they do best, knowing that their project is left in the hands of the expert.


Personalized communication tailored to individual customers shows you value each client relationship. Make an effort to learn preferences around follow-up method and frequency. This is one reason why it’s important to segment your customer base. If you have a customer that spends six figures with you annually and they prefer texting, set up a system that will accommodate this for both parties. Consider personalized promotions or loyalty discounts based on their purchase history. I have always been a fan of a handwritten note.

Regardless if it’s a corporate client or small business, every customer has always appreciated this added touch. It makes customers feel recognized as more than just a transaction. Demonstrate you know each customer individually by referencing prior conversations and background they’ve shared. Ask thoughtful questions about their business, interests, and plans to deepen rapport. When appropriate, offer suggestions tailored to their unique needs and goals.

If there has been silence from a customer days or weeks after your initial communication, avoid sending emails such as, “I wanted to follow up,” or, “Just checking in.” Instead, offer value that will show them you understand where they’re at and how you can help them. For example: “I came across this article that reminded me of what we previously discussed and it gave me a few ideas.”


When I began hiring employees, I always told my team that we are not a screen printing or merch company. We are a customer support and service company. My salespeople knew that we were not just in the business of selling. We were here to empower and build lasting relationships. If that person ended up wanting to buy from us, then it was an added bonus. When we took this approach, the floodgates opened, and it was beautiful.

Beyond tools and techniques, the language and tone used when communicating impacts customer satisfaction. Responding with empathy acknowledges emotions and meets customers where they are. Frustrated individuals need patience and solutions, while anxious customers want reassurance. Using positive phrasing and avoiding overly formal or robotic language makes interactions feel more human. Sincere apologies for difficulties caused, coupled with ownership rather than blaming external factors, goes a long way. And simply thanking customers for their time, understanding, and business leaves them feeling valued.

Show your customer the future by explaining how much time they will save, money they will make, or impact they will have by collaborating together. It’s not about what you can do for the customer. It’s about how successful they will be after finding the right solution.


Data helps keep us accountable. Actively listening to feedback represents a crucial communication strategy. Post-project surveys measure satisfaction and flag areas needing improvement. Don’t be afraid to ask your customer if there was anything during the project that you could have done better. One bad review can devastate a business.

Now more than ever, people are relying on other people to tell them who they can trust. Use data insights to drive personalization but avoid overtly automated messaging. Tailored content is most meaningful when supplemented with your brand voice. Balance data personalization with genuine relationship building for an optimal experience.

Tracking metrics over time conveys business impact. Enable your team to report pain points heard from customers to inform positive changes company-wide. Then use that feedback to expand on self-service content such as FAQs and knowledge-based articles, enhance training and SOP’s (standard operating procedures), and to optimize your systems and processes. Closing this loop drives greater engagement moving forward.

While other companies are making noise, trying to sell their products and services, your focus should be one goal: to create raving fans who will shout your brand from the rooftops. The only way to accomplish this is by pouring everything you have into clearly communicating how you will solve their problem and offering outstanding service every step of the way. The less friction there is during the process, the more effective you will be as a guide.

Provide Outstanding Customer Service

The quality of customer communication will directly impact reputation and revenue. Developing specialized skills, optimizing channels, and actively listening enables companies to deliver experiences that turn even dissatisfied clients into brand advocates. While providing outstanding service requires effort, the benefits of customer referrals, retention, and repeat business make it a worthy investment. Remember that no one wakes up in the morning thinking of creative ways to give you money. It’s up to you to not only offer the insights and feedback, but to give your customers an experience they’ll never forget.

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