The Atlanta-based Georgia Association of Promotional Products Professionals (GAPPP) announced its 2009 Educational Seminars for Profit (ESP) and the Expo trade show will be held March 4 to 5 at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Marietta, Ga. Seating is limited for distributors wanting to attend the ESP portion and early reservations are highly suggested.
Members of other regional associations are able to attend all GAPPP events at member rates. GAPPP’s mission is to lead the vital and growing promotional products industry by assisting its members in education, professionalism, supplier/distributor relations and to provide a sense of community.
In addition to the trade-show announcement, GAPPP announced its executive board for 2009. Board members include:
President, Eric Carr—Lanco, Hauppauge, N.Y.
Vice president, Dale Miller—Corporate Promotions, Atlanta
Treasurer, David Walker—Prime Resources, Bridgeport, Conn.
Secretary, Liza Sachs—Bic Graphic USA, Clearwater, Fla.
Past president/RAC delegate, Lisa Bibb—Zebra Marketing, Memphis, Tenn.
For more information on the Georgia Association of Promotional Products Professionals, visit