Promo Marketing Participates in PPAI’s Legislative Education and Action Day

In its sixth year, Legislative Education and Action Day (L.E.A.D.), led by Promotional Products Association International (PPAI), has brought promotional product professionals together to speak with legislators about issues important to the industry.

About 80 industry professionals, including Nichole Stella, group president/chief revenue officer for Promo Marketing, and Meghan DeFrancesco, vice president/publisher/brand director for Promo Marketing, traveled to Washington, D.C., to educate senators, representatives and their staffs about the effectiveness of promotional products today.

“L.E.A.D. provides us with the opportunity to be advocates for our $20+ billion industry,” Stella said. “We can inform our elected officials in Washington, D.C., what issues matter to our industry and how pending legislation could affect us. I’d like to thank PPAI for bringing the industry together for this important event each year.”

In the meetings, industry professionals will explain the strength of the industry and discuss other relevant issues, such as advertising deductibility, tax reform and the generalized system of preferences. The group is expected to hold about 250 meetings, which will continue through tomorrow.

“We joined this annual trip to Capitol Hill to make sure our voices are heard,” DeFrancesco said. “Our industry remains strong, and sharing our industry’s successes, along with our concerns, can educate lawmakers on how important promotional products are as a form of advertising.”

Industry professionals not able to meet with their legislators in person are encouraged to send letters, emails and tweets to their elected officials during L.E.A.D.

For more information, visit or follow @PPAILAW and #PPAILEAD on Twitter.

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