Winthrop-Atkins Goes Cool

Winthrop-Atkins, Middleboro, Mass. announced a new line of upscale calendars, featuring original designs and fashion trends. nown as the Evolution Series company officials hope to turn age-old, yet always sought-after, calendars into highly desirable instruments of home and office fashion.

Showcased at promotional product trade shows during the third quarter 2007, Winthrop’s calendar collection featured new calendar features ranging from animal skins to stainless steel to crystal and diamond-studded units.

Further, Winthrop announced same-day service for many of its presentation-folder products, an attempt to offer distributors a virtual “drive-thru” for last minute foil stamped folders. Such immediate service is very valuable in the promotional products industry.

Vice president of sales and marketing, Ron Baron, showed the company’s enthusiasm, “Our job is to make certain that the wonderful distributors responsible for Winthrop’s growth are repaid with unique opportunities to earn big money and truly impress their clients!”

For more information on Winthrop-Atkins, call (888) 463-7888 or visit

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