06/06_Auto Intro

The Big Deal About Automobiles…

The automobile industry is one of the largest in the United States. New vehicle production, sales and other jobs related to the use of autos are responsible for one out of every 10 jobs—approximately 13.3 million—nationwide, according to a 2003 report, “Contribution of the Automotive Industry to the U.S. Economy,” prepared by the University of Michigan and the Center for Automotive Research. The report also found the U.S. automotive industry produces a higher level of output than any other single industry. When measured in constant 2000 dollars, automotive output increased by 73 percent from 1990 to 2003.

Other interesting facts about the automobile, according to www.chevroncars.com:

• The first cars did not have steering wheels; drivers steered with a lever.

• In 1923, 173 new inventions by women for cars had been reported. Among these inventions were a carburetor and an electric engine starter.

• Most American car horns beep in the key of F.

• The automobile is the most recycled consumer product in the world today.

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