Budweiser Promises Can-Shaped Promotional Phone Cases for 1,000 Retweets, Gets 1,600

Brand Twitter is weird. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, it refers to how normal consumer brands have taken to Twitter to bust out millennial-friendly lingo to try to earn young people’s dollars. Remember that whole Steak-Umm weirdness? That’s a perfect example of Brand Twitter.

Last week, though, Brand Twitter gave us something sort of fun, and wouldn’t you know it’s directly related to promotional products: Budweiser tweeted that if they got 1,000 retweets, they’d “look into” creating an iPhone case that looked like a can of Budweiser.

More than 1,500 retweets later, they put their promotional iPhone case where their mouth is.

Using something like Twitter to gauge consumer interest is basically free market research. You can see the exact amount of people that want a product, and you can engage with your audience or consumer base directly. When you throw in the casual verbiage of a tweet, and the way social media allows companies to have a permanent place in their customers’ homes, you get a winning combination.

We’ll be on the lookout for these Budweiser promotional phone cases. But, be careful if you do get your hands on one, because the police will definitely be on the lookout for people who look like they’re carrying around open beers in public, too. And forget about using your phone while driving. Actually, that’s probably a good thing.

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